Tuesday, January 13, 2009

We're Homeowners!

So we closed on the new house this morning! Very, very exciting.

Following our hands almost falling off because of all of the papers we had to sign, Bruce went to the house and began doing some work - shoveling the driveway, removing child "locks" from the kitchen cabinets from the previous owners, and beginning the grueling task of removing wallpaper with hot water and fabric softener... That was not as successful a venture as he had hoped, so we're trying to come to a consensus on the next step - either buying a steamer to remove it or using one of the off the shelf wallpaper removal chemicals. Not sure which we'll use yet, but would love to hear your thoughts!

We're back to the house tomorrow night to continue our efforts, and we'll keep you updated on our progress as we move forward. For tonight, we're just happy to finally be homeowners!

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